Ko Nga Wāhine e Mahi Ana Ki Te Whakatika i Te Tinana o Nga Waka
Traditionally, much like many of the hands-on trades’ pathways, this space has been occupied predominantly by men.
We are on a mission to showcase to the women of Northland and Auckland that they can also thrive in this industry, that there is room and support for them, and that rewarding, sustainable careers and encouraging employers are waiting. We know from our years working alongside employers and training providers that women shine in these roles, and there are many examples of exceptional female tradespeople who have trailblazed this path before now.
This project is industry backed, though support from the Inspiring Futures Foundation, and run with the support of the Collision Repair Association of New Zealand. Without these organisations support, Smart Trade Solutions LTD would not be able to bring this amazing project to fruition.
Our Services / To Tatou Ratonga
Are you or someone you know interested in learning about a rewarding career in Collision Repair? Learn how we can help you here.
Are you a woman who works in Collision Repair? If you are trade qualified, or not, learn how we can help you here.
If you are part of the Collision Repair Industry, or you are looking to employ, learn how we can help you here.
Why Choose Us / He aha tatou i whiriwhiri ai
We are dedicated, hardworking Trade industry professionals with a passion for serving our community. We have vast experience in supporting trade pathways and delivering successful projects across Aotearoa New Zealand. We are tradies helping tradies and we love what we do!
Collective years of Collision
Repair Industry experience
Years delivering successful Regional and National Projects
Estimated people placed
into the Collision Repair Apprenticeships over the last three years
Number of Automotive training programmes delivered each year
Testimonials / Whakaaturanga
If you love the sound of the Collision Repair industry, or want to support this project
We would love to get involved with any relevant mahi (work) that helps us to help others, so if you would like to collaborate with Women in Collision Repair or Smart Trade Solutions Ltd, we would like to hear from you...